The 'Print of the Week'!


Recently, I found myself drooling (ok, not literally) over some photography prints made by other photographers I follow online, which made me realize something - as much fun as it is to share epic photos online with the world in digital form, nothing compares to holding a big ol' printed piece of surf or scenic art in your hands and seeing it on display!

So to feed my need to print stuff, I decided to start a new thing called the 'Print of the Week'.

Each week I'll be pulling an image from my collection to be printed on a specific medium that I'll announce each week. The images will most likely be lesser known images not available in my website gallery, or images from sessions that have never seen the light of day anywhere, not even on social media.

To further add to the rarity of the 'Print of the Week', each week's hand signed print will likely be printed only once and never again, ensuring the lucky owner is holding something that is truly one of a kind!

To get in on this, all you have to do is follow my Facebook and/or Instagram accounts and look for each week's announced Print of the Week (usually posted on Mondays). When you see it, if it's something you want to pull the trigger on, just contact me and we'll discuss how to make it happen!

Stoked to make some imagery tangibly come to life and find its way into your hands!

Aloha, Levon

P.S. - Be on the lookout for the 2017 SaltyCures wall calendar, as well as special holiday deals on prints and print products!